MY MCC - Krystal Clements (Heal) - 2003 MCC Graduate and Staff Member

Give us a brief overview of what you're doing now:
Currently I’m a Primary Teacher at MCC, teaching HaSS. I have a two year old daughter at home, so I work 2 days a week at MCC.

What connection/s do you have with MCC?:
Past student and current staff member

What years were you involved with MCC:

What is your first or earliest impression of MCC?
I always remember thinking that this school was so big, with so much to offer and how lucky I was to come here.

Tell us about your most memorable time at MCC?
Myself and Miss Briggs dressed up as the 'St Monica's fairies' in Year 9. Mr Garbin was the Head of St Monica's and was so thrilled with our House spirit!

Tell us about a staff member who made a huge difference to your life or to the College?
Mr McCarthy teaching us 'Integ' in Year 8 which was a purple spiral bond book. He was always so approachable and helped me through a lot of hard times while I was in high school. Even to this day he helps me solve problems.

How has MCC had an impact on your life or helped you to achieve your goals?
MCC has always been a big part of my life. I have always wanted to be a teacher and have been so privileged to carry out my teaching at MCC.

If someone asked you about MCC, what would you tell them are the best things about the College and why?
There is a big sense of community at MCC. Everyone is a part of your story, and makes you feel acknowledged and a part of a bigger picture.